Kathryn D. Leckey
The Magee Law Firm, PLLC
6845 Elm Street, Suite 515
McLean, Virginia 22101-3822
Telephone: 703-356-7500
Facsimile: 703-356-6863
e-mail: kleckey@mageelawfirm.com
Ms Leckey earned her BA, magna cum laude, from George Washington University in 1979. She continued her education in pre-law at Queens College, Oxford University, England and received her JD in 1982 from the George Mason University Law School. Following law School, Ms Leckey became Legislative Aide for Congressman Phillip Crane. Upon leaving Capitol Hill in 1984, Ms Leckey moved into private practice as a partner with Keats, Krebs and Leckey, specializing in litigation with an emphasis on family law. In 1994, Ms Leckey formed the law firm of Leckey, Lenk and Luketina where she continued to practice family law. Upon the retirement of Mr. Lenk and Mr. Luketina, Ms Leckey joined the Magee Law Firm, as Partner, in 2003. Ms Leckey continues to specialize in the field of family law, thus providing over 25 years of experience in that field.
Ms. Leckey's family law expertise includes divorce, child custody and separation and property settlement agreements. With sensitivity to the effects of divorce on children, Ms Leckey is certified as a Guardian Ad Litem in Virginia to represent the interests of children in the courts. Ms Leckey also is approved and provides support as a volunteer conciliator in the Fairfax County Court System. Ms Leckey is among the pioneers in the use of collaboration in divorce proceedings.
Driven by a desire to give back to the community and to help those less fortunate, Ms Leckey is a board member of: The International Opera, The Beethoven Society, The International Eye Foundation® and Childhelp® (working with severely abused and neglected children). She is also a member of: the Fairfax County Bar Association, the McLean Bar Association, Army-Navy Country Club, Congressional Country Club, Capital Speakers Club, Black Tie Club, Fairfax Hunt Club, the Sulgrave Saturday Night Dance Club and the Foreign Policy Discussion Group.
Ms Leckey is admitted to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia.